Omron HJ-112 Digital Premium Pedometer
Product Features
* Unique dual sensor technology means the pedometer can be carried in your pocket or bag
* Accurately measures your steps, as well as aerobic steps and minutes
* Also measures calorie consumption during your workout, as well as the distance you've traveled
* Easy-to-read LCD display
* Comes with a detachable belt holder and security strap
Omron HJ-112 Digital Premium Pedometer Review by Samual Chell
Since getting attached to pedometers a couple of years ago, I've gone through at least a dozen--Digiwalkers, Oregon Scientifics, Omrons. Sometimes the clips would break (Digiwalkers have no spring clip), or the cover would snap off, or they would prove highly inaccurate, or they would be bulky, or they would be too "versatile" and intricate to be practical for someone who was simply looking to get in 10,000 steps for the day. For this reason, I recommended the Sportline 330 as a comparatively rugged, accurate, and inexpensive step counter that, if need be, could be replaced with minimal financial damage.
But recently I saw this "high end" Omron at Walgreen's and thought I'd give it a spin. Its primary allure: it claims to be so sensitive that you don't need to wear it on a belt or some other outer wear. Just drop it in your shirt pocket or purse and forget about it (of course, you'll need to do a 15-minute set-up first).
Guess what? The Omron people aren't pulling your leg. This is indeed a very sensitive little machine that does what it says it will do. I decided to test it by walking 30-40 minutes with the Omron in my shirt pocket and the Sportline clipped to my belt. At the end of my walk the Omron and Sportline were within 80 steps of each other. Moreover, it was the Omron that gave me the extra steps (a bonus if you consider the amount of time it takes--practically 2 hours--to log the full 10,000 steps).
Another nice feature is that on the next morning the device automatically resets to 0 steps while saving the previous day's count in memory. I haven't been impressed by other Omron's, but this model clearly appears to be an exception.
See more details of this no.1 bestseller product here
Omron HJ-112 Digital Premium Pedometer
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