Eneloop Ready to use Rechargeable Battery


Rechargeable Ready to use

eneloop can be charged 1000 times, before it needs to be replaced.

eneloop battery is delivered pre-charged to the store and is ready for immediate use following purchase. There is no need to charge-before-use.

Once the application has used all or some of the energy, eneloop can be charged like a conventional rechargeable battery, 1000 times, before it needs replacing

21 Eneloop FAQs

1. How many volts are in one eneloop AA battery?
AA eneloop battery is 1.2v
AAA eneloop battery is 1.2V

2. What is the mAh rating of the eneloop AA battery?
AA eneloop battery is 2000 mAh.
AAA eneloop battery is 800 mAh

3. How long does the eneloop battery last if I use them on a regular basis?
One eneloop battery may be charged, and re-charged up to 1,000* times. Usage will vary depending on what type of device eneloop is used in.
*Estimate based on test results for battery life according to standard JIS C8708 (4.4.) Actual results may vary according to use.

4. How long will the eneloop battery last if I do not use it?
An eneloop battery may remain up to 85% charged if not used for up to 1 year
*Estimate based on test results for battery life according to standard JIS C8708 (4.4.) Actual results may vary according to use.

5. Does temperature have an effect on their performance?
Yes, temperature does have an effect on eneloop's performance. If it is too hot, the high temperature could cause the battery to discharge at a more rapid rate. On the other hand, eneloop works better than alkaline, and other rechargeable batteries in freezing temperatures!

6. Do I have to charge 4 batteries at a time in the 4-position charger, or may I charge only one?
The eneloop 4-position charger battery slots are designed in pairs. It is designed so that it may accommodate charging 2 batteries at a time - 2 in the inside positions or 2 outside positions - or 4 batteries at a time. The charger charges AA or AAA only.
On the 4-position charger does it matter which slot I place the AAA battery into?
You may charge AAA batteries in any of the 4 slots. It is recommended to charge them in pairs - 2 on the inside slots or 2 on the outside slots – or 4 at a time.

7. How long does it take to charge an eneloop battery in the eneloop 4-position charger?
From 4 to 7 hours.

8. Can the 4-position charger be used world-wide?
No. It is recommended to only use the 4-position charger in the USA. Please consider the 2-position compact charger for world-wide voltage.

9. How long does it take to charge an eneloop battery in the eneloop 2-position compact charger?
From 2 to 4 hours.

10. Can the 2-position compact charger be used world-wide?
Yes, the compact charger has world-wide voltage. You will need to purchase adapters to convert the plug to international standards.

11. Can I use a "Quick Charger" to charge an eneloop battery?
Though it is possible to charge an eneloop battery in a "Quick Charger", it is not recommended. We recommend charging eneloop batteries in a NiMh charger that is 2 hours or more. Charging eneloop batteries in a "Quick Charger" can reduce the overall life of the battery. It is strongly recommended to use eneloop, GE/Sanyo or Sanyo NiMh battery chargers. We only warrant eneloop if used with an eneloop, GE/Sanyo or Sanyo NiMh battery charger.

12. Will my eneloop battery charge in any other charger other than the eneloop charger?
It is strongly recommended to use eneloop, GE/Sanyo or Sanyo NiMh battery chargers. Most NiMh rechargeable battery chargers may be used to charge eneloop, however we only warranty eneloop if used with an eneloop, GE/Sanyo or Sanyo NiMh battery charger.

13. What is the number of charger/discharge cycles I can expect from the eneloop battery?
eneloop may be charged up to 1,000 times*.
*Estimate based on test results for battery life according to standard JIS C8708 (4.4.) Actual results may vary according to use.

14. Can dropping the battery cause damage to it?

15. What does mAh stand for?
The (mA) stands for milliamps. The (h) stands for hour. This rating is in regards to the life of the battery, similar to the gas tank in your car.

16. What does the terminology "memory effect" specify?
Memory Effect is a term used to describe the effects on the overall life of the battery when it goes through charge and discharge cycles. The eneloop battery does not experience the effects of "memory effect".

17. Should I store my batteries charged or uncharged?
If stored with charge, it is possible that when you return to use the battery there may still be some charge left in the battery, therefore it will enable you to use it right then and there. Also, by keeping some charge in the battery, it will require you to "cycle" the battery fewer times until it reaches its peak charge. If you store them with no charge, you will have to "cycle" the battery multiple times until it reaches its peak charge.

18. Will the eneloop battery work with Nintendo Wii remotes?
Yes, the eneloop battery does work with the Nintendo Wii remotes. In fact they are a perfect fit for one another. They also work with any other type of remote that requires an AA or AAA battery.

19. Where is the best place to store my eneloop rechargeable battery? Does it matter what the temperature is where I store them? Can they be stored in a freezer?
The best place to story any battery, rechargeable or not, is in a dry cool place, such as a drawer, under your bed or in a closet. Keep them away from the possibility of coming in contact with extreme high heat. It is recommended to store them at or around 72 degrees Fahrenheit. It is not recommended to store them in a freezer, as it is best to keep materials of this nature away from food products.

20. What is the warranty on eneloop batteries and chargers?
Eneloop has a limited warranty. Sanyo will replace the eneloop battery or eneloop charger free of charge if it proves to be defective within one year from the date of purchase. USA Only. Receipt with proof of purchase must be provided.

21. Where do I recycle eneloop when its life has expired?
Please visit www.rbrc.org to find out rechargeable battery disposal and recycling locations in your area.

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